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The theoretical and scientific-methodical journal "Higher Education of Ukraine" is a peer-reviewed publication that publishes articles by scientists of Ukraine and foreign countries, devoted to topical issues of philosophy, philosophy of education, history of education, the current state and latest technologies of education in Ukraine.
Founders of the publication: state information and production enterprise
publishing house "Pedagogic Press", National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanova
Year of establishment: 2001.
Certificate of state registration: KV No. 23982-13822З
from June 14, 2019
ISSN: ISSN 2078-1016 (Print)
Frequency: 4 times a year.
Subscription code: 23823
Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.
Field of knowledge: 01 Education; 03 Humanities.
Specialties: 011- Educational Sciences; 033 – Philosophy.
The theoretical and scientific-methodical magazine "Higher Education of Ukraine" is intended for scientific workers, scientific and pedagogical workers, post-graduate students, doctoral students, other scientists, listeners, students, teachers of higher education institutions, other practical workers and everyone who is interested in the current state, history and prospects for the development of higher education in Ukraine.